Heritage sector literature to which we’ve contributed:

 Herculaneum and the House of the Bicentenary: History and Heritage (2020)

  • Court, S., Rainer, L. Los Angeles: Getty Publications. []


Documenting large archaeological sites, managing data, planning conservation and maintenance: the Herculaneum Conservation Project experience (2019)

  • D’Andrea, A., Di Lillo, A., Laino, A., and Pesaresi, P.M. in The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLII-2/W15, 359–364. []


Exploring community participation in the management of Italian archaeological sites (2019)

  • Court, S. & Thompson, J. in Gürsu, I. (ed.) Public Archaeology: theoretical approaches and current practices. Ankara: British Institute at Ankara: 29-39. [mettiamo il capitolo direttamente sul sito]


From ‘Sustaining heritage’ to ‘Heritage sustaining broader societal wellbeing and benefits.’ An ICCROM perspective (2018)

  • Thompson, J. & Wijesuriya, G. in Boccardi, G., Larsen, P. B. & Logan, W. (eds) World Heritage and Sustainable Development: New Directions in World Heritage Management. London: Routledge: 180-195. []


Protective Shelters for Archaeological Sites (2018)

  • Aslan, Z., Court, S., Teutonico, J.M. & Thompson, J. (eds) Rome: Getty Foundation & British School at Rome. []


Managing Herculaneum in context: measuring benefits for people and places (2018)

  • Court, S. D’Andrea, A., Del Duca, F., Pesaresi, P. & Thompson, J. in Comer, D. & Willems, A (eds) Feasible Management of Archaeological Heritage Sites Open to Tourism. Cham: Springer Press: 21-34. []


Conservation Planning for Excavated Mosaics at the Site of Bulla Regia, Tunisia: A Component of the MOSAIKON Initiative (2017)

  • Roby, T., Friedman, L., D’Andrea, A. et al. (2017) in Teutonico, J.M., Friedman, L., Ben Abed, A. & Nardi, R. (eds) The Conservation and Presentation of Mosaics: At What Cost? Los Angeles: Getty Publications: 151-161. []


Gérer, mettre en valeur, vivre en harmonie avec l’héritage du passé: Italie-Tunisie – Gestire, valorizzare, convivere con l’eredità del passato: Italia-Tunisia (2014)

  • Thompson, J. in A. Ferjaoui & M.L. Germanà (eds) Architecture domestique punique, hellénistique et romaine. Sauvegarde et mise en valeur. Palermo: ETS: 287-296. [mettiamo il capitolo direttamente sul sito]


Adieu a la restauration, bienvenue a l’entretien. Experiences de conservation durable a Herculaneum (2014)

  • D’Andrea, A. & Pesaresi P. in A. Ferjaoui & M.L. Germanà (eds) Architecture domestique punique, hellenistique et romaine. Sauvegarde et mise en valeur. Palermo: ETS: 203-212. [mettiamo il capitolo direttamente sul sito]


People-Centred Approaches: Engaging Communities and Developing Capacities for Heritage   (2017)

  • Wijesuriya, G., Thompson, J. & Court, S. in Chitty, G. (ed.) Heritage, Conservation and Communities: engagement, participation and capacity building. London: Routledge: 34-49. []


Herculaneum: Joining Forces to Secure Heritage Benefits for the Ancient and the Modern Towns (2014)

  • Biggi, C., D’Andrea, A., Pesaresi, P. (2014) in Heritage In Context: Conservation and Site Management within Natural, Urban and Social Frameworks. Deutsches Archäologisches Instituts Istanbul: 39-54. [mettiamo il capitolo direttamente sul sito]


Managing Cultural World Heritage. World Heritage Resource Manual (2013)

Wijesuriya, G., Thompson, J. & Young, C. Paris: UNESCO World Heritage Centre. []


Conservation & management challenges in a public-private initiative for a large archaeological site (Herculaneum, Italy) (2008)

  • Thompson, J. Conservation & Management of Archaeological Sites 4: 191-204. [mettiamo il capitolo direttamente sul sito]
  • Reprinted in: Sullivan, S. & Mackay, R. (eds) (2012). Archaeological Sites: Conservation and Management. Los Angeles: Getty Publications: 690-709.